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Good Day! Monday, 24 March 2025

Ground Handler

Ground Handler

Ground Handler License

In ground handler license contains the standards, requirements and procedures pertaining to the provision for Ground Handling. The standards and requirements based mainly on standards and recommended practices (SARPs) stipulated in International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Doc 10121 Manual on Ground Handling. It also published by the Chief Executive Officer under section 24O of the Civil Aviation Act 1969 [Act 3] and come into operation on 10 April 2020.

This section prescribes the rules and technical requirements governing organizations which provide ground handling services at Malaysian aerodrome.

Category 1

Ground administration and supervision

Category 2

Passenger handling

Category 3

Freight and mail handling (Documentation)

Category 4

Aircraft services

Category 5

Aircraft maintenance

Category 6

Flight operations and crew administration

Category 7

Surface transport

Category 8

In-Flight Catering services

Category 9

Baggage handling

Category 10

Freight and mail handling

Category 11

Ramp handling

Category 12

Fuel and oil handling

Ground handling services must be carried out, as applicable in accordance with the procedures, standards and training guidelines contained in

  • Ground Operations Manual (GOM);
  • Ground Handling Manual (GHM), including the technical safety requirements and standards for motorized and non-motorized ground support equipment;
  • IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations (ISAGO);
  • Cargo Handling Manual (CHM), including live animal and perishable goods regulations;
  • ICAO Technical Instruction and IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) and
  • ICAO Doc 9977 and 10121.

For more information on obtaining ground handler please refer to the
Civil Aviation Directive Ground Handling

Civil Aviation Authority Malaysia (CAAM)
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