Welcome to the official website of the
Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia
The Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM), previously known as the Department of Civil Aviation, is a government agency that was formed under the Ministry of Transport Malaysia in 1969. Effectively on 19th February 2018, DCA was incorporated into a statutory body known as CAAM.
Our Vision
Safe Sustainable Skies
Our Mission
To continuously enhance safety and security for a sustainable aviation industry

The incorporation of CAAM is in line with the requirement of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) which has called upon contracting states to the Chicago Convention to establish an autonomous civil aviation authority to ensure efficient management of the safety and security of the civil aviation.
The regulatory responsibility of civil aviation technical matters is vested in CAAM. CAAM’s main role is to contribute to the development of Malaysia’s civil aviation technical sector and mandated to comply with ICAO’s standards so as to keep aviation safe, secure and efficient.
Among CAAM’s key functions are to regulate, facilitate and promote the nation’s aviation/aerospace industry as well as to ensure that the national and international obligations of Malaysia in matters relating to civil aviation can be carried out, and the universal safety and security standards and requirements in civil aviation are implemented, complied with and well-maintained. The establishment of CAAM is also to ensure affairs involving Malaysia’s civil aviation industry meet the safety standards and procedures recommended by ICAO.
CAAM establishes a comprehensive policy covering all key aspects of aviation, focusing on growth areas, strategic development objectives, long-term strategies and transformational approaches. One of CAAM’s vital roles is maintaining the country’s competitive edge within the global aviation sector. As a regulatory body, CAAM’s responsibilities include:

Safeguarding civil aviation operations in Malaysia

Exercise safety regulatory oversight of civil aviation

Regulate the operation of aerodrome services and facilities in Malaysia

Provide air navigation services within the Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu Flight Information Region

Coordinate search and rescue operations

Cooperate with any authority in charge with investigation of aircraft accident and serious incident
Beyond the regulatory and oversight functions, CAAM also encourage, promote, facilitate and assist in the development and improvement of civil aviation capabilities, skills and services in Malaysia by providing technical and consultancy services relating to civil aviation, as well as providing education and training in this industry and promoting research and development of civil aviation sector.
In terms of environment, CAAM has been working with the Government and stakeholders to minimise environmental impact due to aviation activities. On this note, CAAM has given its agreement to ICAO on the implementation of Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA).
ISO Certifications
CAAM was successfully certified for the following certification