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Good Day! Monday, 24 March 2025


Airworthiness plays a critical role in ensuring the safety of aircraft. The design, systems, and components of new aircraft are rigorously evaluated to meet strict safety standards. Before an aircraft can be operated it must be registered and issued with a Certificate of Airworthiness (CoA). Once an aircraft is in service, ongoing safety monitoring, maintenance oversight, and timely directives ensure its continued airworthiness. Additionally, the investigation of accidents or incidents contributes to safety improvements across the industry.

Below are the approval lists and FAQ for some of the activities related to Airworthiness.

What is Certificate of Registration (C of R)?

A Certificate of Registration is a certificate issued by CAAM to the effect that an aircraft has been duly registered in accordance with the provisions of Civil Aviation Regulations 2016 and Civil Aviation Directives (CAD) 7101.

Applicability of Certificate of Registration (C of R)?

A Certificate of Registration is applicable to all aircrafts except;
(a) glider;
(b) kite;
(c) captive balloon;
(d) small balloon;
(e) meteorological pilot balloons used exclusively for meteorological purposes;
(f) free balloon without payloads; and
(g) small unmanned aircraft or small unmanned surveillance aircraft.

Who may apply for the Certificate of Registration (C of R)?

The owner of an aircraft may apply for the Certificate of Registration.

What are the requirements for the application for a Certificate of Registration (C of R)?

A Certificate of Registration may be issued if CAAM is satisfied that –
(a) the application form CAAM/AW/7101-01 has been submitted;
(b) the specified fee has been paid;
(c) the owner of the aircraft is an eligible owner in accordance with Para 5 of CAD 7101;
(d) the aircraft is an eligible aircraft in accordance with para 6 of CAD 7101;
(e) the evidence of ownership of the aircraft is acceptable to CAAM;
(f) the aircraft has never been registered in any countries or has been deregistered from other country; and
(g) the aircraft nationality and registration mark are in accordance with CAD 7.

How to apply for a reservation of aircraft registration mark?

Any person may reserve an aircraft registration mark by submitting
(a) CAAM/AW/7201-01 form
(b) Payment of RM 2,500 for each registration mark

What are the fees or charges for the issuance or renewal of a Certificate of Registration (C of R)?

For the first issuance of Certificate of Registration, the fees are specified as follow;
(a) For a balloon, RM 100
(b) For any other aircrafts with maximum take-off mass (MTOM):
i. 0 – 750 kg, RM 400
ii. 751 – 5,700 kg, RM 600
iii. 5,701 kg and more, RM 4,000

For the renewal of the Certificate of Registration, the fee is RM 50.

Validity of a Certificate of Registration?

3 years. In the case of aircraft is leased under Regulation 6(4) of Civil Aviation Regulations 2016, the validity of Certificate Registration shall follow the lease expiry date but not exceeding 3 years.

What happens to the Certificate of Registration when there are changes in the ownership of the aircraft?

The Certificate of Registration shall cease to be in force.

Should the owner of a Malaysian registered aircraft inform CAAM on changes in the Aircraft Register?

Yes. If there is any change of particular related to the registration of aircraft, the owner shall inform CAAM by submitting CAAM/AW/7101-05 form and payment of RM 100.

How to apply for a renewal of Certificate of Registration?

The owner of an aircraft may apply for the renewal of Certificate of Registration by submitting CAAM/AW/7101-02 form and payment of RM 50.

When should the application of renewal be submitted?

Within thirty days before the date of expiry of the Certificate of Registration.

How to deregister an aircraft?

The owner of an aircraft may deregister the aircraft by submitting the CAAM/AW/7101-04 form and payment as follow;
(a) For a balloon, RM 50
(b) For any other aircrafts with maximum take-off mass (MTOM):
i. 0 – 750 kg, RM 50
ii. 751 – 5,700 kg, RM 150
iii. 5,701 kg and more, RM 300

What are the publications that an applicant must be familiar with?

In relation to registration of aircraft, applicant may refer the following publications;
(a) Civil Aviation Regulations 2016, Regulation 4 to 16
(b) CAD 7 – Aircraft Nationality and Registration Mark
(c) CAD 7101 – Aircraft Registration

What is Design Organisation Approval (CAAM Part 21 Subpart J)?

Design Organisation Approval (DOA) issued by CAAM (by issuance of the certificate of Approval) in accordance with MCAR 2016 Regulation 21 once the organisation has demonstrated technical competency on the design and has fulfilled the applicable requirements of CAD 8401.

Who may apply for a DOA?

An organisation that engages in any stage of design of any aeronautical product in Malaysia.

What is the application requirement for a DOA?

The requirement to apply for a DOA is stipulated in CAD 8401. The application form CAAM/AW?8401-01 is available in the e-Services & Forms section of CAAM Official Website.

Is DOA required to submit any manual and what are the requirements?

Yes. DOA is required to submit Design Organisation Manual (DOM) and the requirement of the DOM content is stated in the Para 6 – CAD 8401 and Para 3 – CAGM 8401.

What are the privileges of a DOA?

The holder of a DOA may be entitled to perform design activities under the terms of approval granted by CAAM as stipulated in Para 15 – CAD 8401 and Para 9 – CAGM 8401.

Besides the Design Organisation Manual (DOM), what are other elements required in DOA?

DOA shall be able to demonstrate and maintain the design assurance system for the control and supervision of products, parts and appliances and design changes of products, parts and appliances.

What is a Design Assurance System?

Design Assurance System is the organisational structure, responsibilities, procedures and resources to ensure the proper functioning of the design organisation. It is described in the DOM directly or by cross reference to relevant procedures. The requirement of a design assurance system for DOA is stipulated in Para 5 – CAD 8401 and Para 2 – CAGM 8401.

What are the requirements and qualification for DOA personnel?

The requirement and qualification for DOA personnel is detailed in Para 3.2 – CAGM 8401.

What are the requirements for design that requires flight test?

If testing, verification or certification of a design requires a flight test, the flight test policy and procedures shall be defined in DOM as per stipulated in Para 6.2 – CAD 8401.

What are the requirements if DOA would like to apply variations of approval?

DOA may apply variations to the certificate of approval by referring to Para 11 of CAD 8401 for variation to the Terms of Approval.

What are the fees or charges for the issuance or renewal of a DOA?

The fees or charges for the issuance or renewal of a DOA are stipulated in regulations 10 and 11 of Civil Aviation (Fees and Charges) Regulation 2016.

Validity of a DOA?

A certificate of approval shall be valid for a period of not more than 1 year.

How to apply for the renewal of a DOA?

Refer to Para 3 of CAD 8401 for the renewal of Certificate of Approval.

When should the application of renewal be submitted?

The application of certificate of approval shall be submitted not less than 30 Days prior to expiry date.

What are the publications that an applicant must be familiar with?

The applicant must be familiar with the CAAM regulations, directives, advisory materials and standard documents that are related to aircraft design before making any formal application. Here are the example of the materials:
a) Civil Aviation Regulation 2016
b) CAD 8401 Design Organisation Approval (CAAM Part 21 Subpart J)
c) CAD 8102 – Type Certificates and Restricted Type Certificates (CAAM Part 21 Subpart B)
d) CAD 8104 – Design of Modifications (CAAM Part 21 Subpart D)
e) CAD 8105 – Supplemental Type Certificate (CAAM Part 21 Subpart E)
f) CAD 8106 – Design of Repairs (CAAM Part 21 Subpart M)
g) CAD 8204 – Parts and Appliances (CAAM Part 21 Subpart K)
h) CAD 8205 – Technical Standard Order Authorisations

What is Production Organisation Approval (CAAM Part 21 Subpart G)?

Production Organisation Approval (POA) issued by CAAM (by issuance of the certificate of Approval) in accordance with MCAR 2016 Regulation 21 once the organisation has demonstrated technical competency in the manufacture or construction of aircraft, engine, propeller or appliance and has fulfilled applicable requirement of CAD 8201.

Who may apply for a POA?

An organisation that engages in any stage of manufacture or construction of any aeronautical product in Malaysia.

What are the requirements for application for a POA?

Refer to CAD 8201 for the requirements of application for a POA.

Is the POA required to submit any manual and what are the requirements?

Yes. POA is required to submit Production Organisation Exposition (POE) and the requirement of the POE content is stated in the Para 7 – CAD 8201.

Besides the Production Organisation Exposition (POE), what are other elements required in POA?

POA shall be able to demonstrate the establishment of its quality system and maintain the quality standards. The requirement of Quality System for POA is stated in Para 6 and Para 8 of CAD 8201.

What are the requirements for a product that requires flight test?

If a product requires a flight test for testing, verification or certification, the flight test policy and procedures shall be defined in POE as per stated in Para 7.1 m) of CAD 8201.

What are the fees and charges for the issuance or renewal of a POA?

The fees and charges for the issuance or renewal of a Certificate of Approval (CAAM Part 21 Subpart G) are stipulated in regulations 10 and 11 of Civil Aviation (Fees and Charges) Regulation 2016.

What are the privileges of a POA?

The holder of a Certificate of Approval may perform production activities under the terms of approval granted by CAAM and other privileges as stated in Para 17 of CAD 8201.

Validity of a Certificate of Approval?

A certificate of approval shall be valid for a period of not more than 1 year.

How to apply for renewal of a POA?

Refer to Para 16 of CAD 8201 for the renewal of Certificate of Approval.

What are the publications that an applicant must be familiar with?

The applicant must be familiar with the CAAM regulations, directives, advisory materials and standard documents that are related to aircraft manufacture and construction before making any formal application. Here are the example of the materials:
a) Civil Aviation Regulation 2016
b) CAD 8201 Production Organisation Approval (CAAM Part 21 Subpart G)
c) CAD 8401 Design Organisation Approval (CAAM Part 21 Subpart J)

What is CAAM Part-66 Aircraft Maintenance Licence (AML)?

The CAAM Part-66 AML is issued by the Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia allowing the holder to issue maintenance release upon completion of maintenance tasks performed on a Malaysian registered aircraft.

The maintenance release shall be issued when the signatory is satisfied that the work has been properly carried out and accurately recorded, having due regards to the use of: –

i) Up-to-date instruction and approved airworthiness data
ii) Recommended tooling and test equipment
iii) Working environment appropriate to the work being carried out.

Malaysian AML when issued in accordance with CAD 1801 meets the intent of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Annex 1.

What does an aircraft maintenance mean?

In aviation terms, the word maintenance refers to the performance of tasks required to ensure the continuing airworthiness of an aircraft, including any one or combination of overhaul, inspection, replacement, defect rectification, and the embodiment of a modification or repair.

How to obtain a CAAM Part-66 Aircraft Maintenance Licence?

An applicant needs to furnish evidence and demonstrate sufficient knowledge, experience, competence and skill, in accordance with current CAD 1801 requirements in force.

There are two options to become an aircraft maintenance licensing personnel: –

i) Self-Study, by
– Successfully passed CAAM Part 66 Module Examination relevant to the licence category applied for at Malaysian Aviation Academy (MAvA)
– complete practical assessment on relevant task, and
– demonstrate evidence of sufficient practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft at least 5 years; or

ii) Enrol into CAAM Part-147 Maintenance Training Organisation (MTO), by
– completing approved basic training course issued with certificate of recognition by approved CAAM Part 147 Maintenance Training Organisation (MTO) and successfully passed CAAM Part 66 Module Examination relevant to the licence category applied for.
– complete practical assessment on relevant task, and
– demonstrate evidence of sufficient practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft at least 2 years.

In both cases the applicant shall be at least 21 years of age.

Once the required criteria has been fulfilled and eligible for application of CAAM Part 66 Aircraft Maintenance Licence, application can be made via CAAM e-licensing portal which is accessible at eCLIPSE

What do I do if my licence has expired?

An AML holder is advisable to be mindful of the expiry date of the licence and that the holder does not exercise its certification privileges if it has expired.

However, in the event that the licence has expired, AML holder can apply for a renewal in the normal way but the holder must also include a letter stating that he/she does not exercised the privileges of the licence since its expiry date together with a supporting letter from the quality personnel of approved maintenance organisation, if applicable.

How do I apply for type rating endorsement into Malaysian AML?

In accordance with CAD 1801, CAAM would normally accept type training certificate issued by: –
i) CAAM Part-147 Maintenance Training Organisation
ii) Training course or program conducted in accordance with Regulation 37 of CAR 2016
iii) Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)

For first aircraft type rating endorsement on a licence category, application shall include evidence of completion on-the-job training (OJT). The OJT requirements shall comply with Appendix 3 of CAD 1801.

Does CAAM endorse AML for type which has not been registered in Malaysia or type validated?

No. CAAM only endorses aircraft type rating which is registered in Malaysia, or has been type validated. Refer to CAD 1801 for further information.

How many years are required to complete the basic knowledge examinations?

The basic knowledge examinations shall have been passed within 7 years prior to the application for issuance or variation of AML.

Where can I find the Aircraft Maintenance Experience Logbook?

For Self-Study students, you can obtain the logbook by contacting us through e-mail; amel66@caam.gov.my.

For students under CAAM Part 147 Maintenance Training Organisation, you can request the logbook from your MTO. To standardise the logbook format, MTO can refer to the sample logbook in the CAAM website.

What should I do if I lose my Malaysian AML?

All Malaysian AML holders are responsible for safekeeping their own licence. However, if the holders lost their licence, they need to make a police report and make an appropriate payment for replacement.

What are the publications that an applicant must be familiar with before deciding to apply for AML?

The applicant must be familiar with the CAAM regulations, directives, advisory materials and standard documents that are related to aircraft maintenance licensing before the applicant itself is confident in making a formal application.

Here are the examples of the material:
(a) CAD 1 Personnel Licensing (PEL)
(b) CAD 1801 Aircraft Maintenance License (CAAM Part 66)
(c) CAGM 1801 Aircraft Maintenance License (CAAM Part 66)



Where can I find the list of approved CAAM Part 147 Maintenance Training Organisation?

The list of approved CAAM Part 147 Maintenance Training Organisations (MTO) are accessible on the CAAM website.

What is CAAM Part 147 Maintenance Training Organisation?

CAAM Part 147 Maintenance Training Organisation is an approved organisation under CAD 1821 that conducts aviation maintenance training in Malaysia.

What are the training that is carried out by CAAM Part 147 MTO?

CAAM Part 147 Maintenance Training Organisation only conducts Basic Training Course and/or Type Training Course as specified in CAAM Part 66 syllabus.

Note: In the case of basic training, the organisation shall furnish evidence of engagement with local approved maintenance organisation (AMO) to support the performance of practical training and on-the-job training for the trainee’s practical hands-on activity and maintenance experience gathering.

Who may apply for the CAAM Part 147 Maintenance Training Organisation Approval?

An organisation intent to engage in maintenance training under regulation 31 and 32 of CAR 2016.

How to apply for the CAAM Part 147 Maintenance Training Organisation Approval?

The applicant who intends to apply for Maintenance Training Organisation approval shall be subjected to the 5 phases process as follow:

i) Pre-application phase
ii) Formal application phase
iii) Document evaluation phase
iv) Demonstration and inspection phase
v) Certification phase.

A prospective applicant who is interested to apply for a maintenance training organisation approval should enter into a preliminary discussion with CAAM. The discussion may be carried out by face-to-face meeting, virtual meeting, or through an email conversation.

In the case of a maintenance training organisation under regulation 31 of MCAR, an applicant shall submit: –

a) an application form CAAM/AW/1821-01;
b) a maintenance training organisation exposition;
c) a description of the proposed maintenance training course programme;
d) CAAM Form 4 (CAAM/AW/0104-00) for each of the Nominated Post Holder; and
e) the applicable fee.

An organisation should have their principal place of business in Malaysia. (i.e evidence of company registration certificate).

The application form shall be signed by the nominated accountable manager.

See CAD 1821 Chapter 2 Subpart A for further information.

The organisation which intends to apply for CAAM Part 147 approval shall demonstrate compliance to CAD 1821 and CAD 1801 requirements, as applicable. Additionally, the organisation should ensure each instructional staff comprising of instructor, knowledge examiner and practical assessor, including completed assessment meet CAD 1821 Appendix 4.

Where can the applicant get the application form and CAAM form 4?

The forms required are accessible on the CAAM website.

Validity of a Certificate of Approval?

A certificate of approval issued by CAAM shall be valid for a period not exceeding 1 year.

What is the Maintenance Training Organisation Exposition (MTOE)?

The Maintenance Training Organisation Exposition is a document for use by the organisation describing the organisation policy and procedures which define maintenance training organisation compliance to CAAM Part 147 requirement.

In the process for developing MTOE, the applicant should refer to the Maintenance Training Organisation Exposition (MTOE) Checklist (CAAM/AW/1821-08) and follow the recommended format of the exposition which is included in CAGM 1821 Appendix 1.

The MTOE and any subsequent amendments shall be approved by CAAM.

What is the Maintenance Training Course Programme (MTP)?

The Maintenance Training Course Program is a document that contains training syllabus, training needs analysis, knowledge levels, training aids, equipment, examination and assessment standard, etc.

The applicant should refer to the Maintenance Training Programme Checklist (CAAM/AW/1822-02) and follow the recommended format of the MTP which is included in CAGM 1821 Appendix 2.

The maintenance training course programme should be developed to meet the intent of CAD 1801 Appendix 1, Appendix 2, and/or Appendix 3 requirements.

What are the fees and charges for the application of MTO approval?

The fees and charges for the application of MTO approval are prescribed by the Minister under the Civil Aviation (Fees and Charges) Regulation 2016, Schedule 26.

What are the publications that an applicant must be familiar with?

The applicant must be familiar with the CAAM regulations, directives, advisory materials and standard documents that are related to maintenance training and aircraft maintenance licensing before the applicant itself is confident in making a formal application.

Here are the examples of the material:
(a) Civil Aviation Regulation 2016, Regulation 31 and 32.
(b) CAD 1 Personnel Licensing (PEL)
(c) CAD 1801 Aircraft Maintenance License (CAAM Part 66)
(d) CAD 1821 Maintenance Training Organisation Approval CAAM Part 147
(e) CAGM 1801 Aircraft Maintenance License (CAAM Part 66)
(f) CAGM 1821 Maintenance Training Organisation CAAM Part 147

Where can I find the list of approved CAAM Part 147 Maintenance Training Organisation?

The list of approved CAAM Part 147 Maintenance Training Organisations (MTO) are accessible on the CAAM website.
Civil Aviation Authority Malaysia (CAAM)
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